A two-day workshop on Nonlinear Static Methods for Design/Assessment of 3D Structures was held at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon (Instituto Superior Técnico – IST) on 5-6 May 2008. The Workshop was co-chaired by Rita Bento (IST, Lisbon, Portugal) and Rui Pinho (University of Pavia, Italy) and was organized within the scope of the Portuguese national research project POCI/ECM/59306/2004, named “Performance-based Seismic Design Procedures”, of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – FCT). (…)
A two-day workshop on Nonlinear Static Methods for Design/Assessment of 3D Structures was held at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon (Instituto Superior Técnico – IST) on 5-6 May 2008. The Workshop was co-chaired by Rita Bento (IST, Lisbon, Portugal) and Rui Pinho (University of Pavia, Italy) and was organized within the scope of the Portuguese national research project POCI/ECM/59306/2004, named “Performance-based Seismic Design Procedures”, of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – FCT).
The workshop brought together a group of earthquake engineering experts from Greece, Iran, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and the United States, and its proceedings are published in the form of this IST Press book.
The Workshop constituted a forum for the exchange of research results and ideas on Nonlinear Static Analysis procedures and their applicability for the seismic design/assessment of 3D irregular structures. As such, a number of important NSP-related research topics, found in the body of these Proceedings, were scrutinized and debated.
This book contains the final versions of the invited papers, as well as the main conclusions and recommendations coming from the Workshop. It is therefore hoped that this volume will constitute a valuable and useful contribution to the further development and implementation of nonlinear static methodologies for the seismic assessment and design of irregular structures that may not be analysed by means of planar models.