José Carmo
Born in 1956 in Lisbon (Portugal), José Carmo graduated in Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon in 1978, got his PhD in Mathematics from the Technical University of Lisbon in 1988 and obtained his “aggregation” in Mathematics from the Technical University of Lisbon in 1996.
Current position: Full Professor for Logic and Computer Science at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Madeira, since October 2000.
Previous positions: Associate Professor for Logic and Computer Science at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Madeira, since April 2000 until October 2000; Associate Professor for Theoretical Computer Science at the Section of Computer Science of the Department of Mathematics of the Lisbon Institute of Technology (Instituto Superior Técnico) from April 1992 until March 2000; Definitive position since 1997. (He started his collaboration with the University of Madeira in 1993.) Assistant Professor for Theoretical Computer Science at the Section of Computer Science of the Department of Mathematics of the Lisbon Institute of Technology from April 1988 until April 1992.
Currently he is the President of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Madeira.
Since January 2001 he is member of the research center Laboratory of Computational Models and Architectures (LabMAC – a research unity of the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon, supported by FCT). Until then he was a member of the Logic and Computation Group of the Center of Applied Mathematics (CMA – a research unit of Instituto Superior Técnico, supported by FCT). He is honoured to be honrary member of the Center for Logic and Computation (created in February 2001 and formerly the Logic and Computation Group of CMA).
He is the co-editor of one international published book, co-author of one national published book, author or co-author of five academic texts and author or co-author of several internationally published papers.
He was leader of three national research projects, and has been involved in other international and national research projects (mainly national projects). Various of these projects involved cooperation between researchers from Law and Computer Science, and most of them involved international colaboration.
He has co-chaired an international workshop, and has been involved in the Programme and in the Organization Committees of various international workshops.
He has supervised two PhD and three Master’s dissertations. Currently, he has one PhD and two Master students under his supervision.
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- €22,70
- Introdução à Programação em Mathematica
- Amílcar SernadasCarlos SalemaCristina SernadasF. Miguel DionísioJosé Carmo
- O livro inclui uma introdução à utilização do ambiente e linguagem mathematica, permitindo que alguém que nunca os tenho utilizado possa, sem consultar outros manuais, sentar-se em frente de um computador e começar a trabalhar. Trata-se de um instrumento precioso para quem, como os alunos menos familiarizados com ambientes de…
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