Alberto Romão Dias
ALBERTO ROMÃO DIAS (1941-2007) was Full Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), graduated in chemical-industrial engineering from IST in 1964, and received a doctorate in chemistry (D.Phil.) from the University of Oxford, in United Kingdom, in 1970.
His research interests have developed in the area of inorganic chemistry with a particular focus on the chemistry of coordination compounds and the organometallic chemistry of transition metals. The results of this research activity are reflected in the co-authorship of 150 articles published in specialized journals, and in the supervision or co-supervision of 28 doctoral theses and 10 master's theses.
In teaching, he always expressed great didactic concerns. This book is, in fact, the result of his long experience as a teacher committed to, without making things easy, gaining the attention of his students.
One of his main concerns has been to contribute to the promotion of Chemistry, in its different aspects (teaching, research and applications), an area in which he had a particular opportunity to intervene as Secretary General of the Portuguese Chemical Society (1978-88) and President from the same scientific society (1989-91). Among other activities he carried out in this field, we highlight those of President of the Department of Chemical Engineering at IST (1984-91, 1995-99) and Secretary of State for Higher Education of the VIII Constitutional Government (1982-1983).
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