The publisher is naturally open to proposals from authors outside IST, as well as to the translation of important foreign works.
Any original candidate for publication must be sent by the author(s) to IST PRESS in digital format, accompanied by a justification that answers the essential questions of “why”, “when?” and “for whom?”, and to briefly analyze the opportunity to publish this work, referring to its positioning in relation to others in the same area.
The manuscript will be sent to experts in the respective field for evaluation. Acceptance for publication will depend on the positive opinion of the evaluators, and the authors must make any modifications and corrections suggested by them. The final decision will be made by the Editor’s Director.
In the case of the Teaching of Science and Technology and Teaching Support collections, delivery of the final version in Latex (following the IST Press style template, to be provided after approval) speeds up the publication process.
The graphic design of the book is the sole responsibility of the IST PRESS Production Office.
Books published by IST Press follow the new Portuguese spelling agreement.
An publishing contract will be previously established between the author and Instituto Superior Técnico, in which all procedures, duties and rights of the contracting parties will be duly defined.